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Source Hong Kong Chemical National Day Mountain climbing competition ended successfully

Number of visits: Date:2012年09月17日 00:00

September 15, 2012 Mountaineering group photo

September 16, 2012 Mountaineering group photo


September 15-16, 2012 Source Hong Kong Chemical Industry Welcome to the National Day Mountain climbing competition ended, winning the situation as follows:
September 15 Mountaineering group
First prize: Du from yuan
Second prize: Lu Dejian Lin Yong
Third prize: Bo Tong Hua Rui can be text Xue Yang
September 16 Mountaineering Group
First prize: Yang Fei
Second prize: Hong Jie Shi Zhiping
Third Prize: Fang Jiufei Shao Bing Sun Gaofeng / Sun Chuanxiang (side by side)

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Keywords for the information:Source Hong Kong Chemical National Day Mountain climbing competition ended successfully,Company News,News